For Finance

You can't trust your CSRD data until you fix your CSRD data problem

Remove CSRD data RISK and gain efficiency for your ESG Controller

A mockup of the platform for ESG and Finance


Connect your data

Built for purpose connectors focused on CSRD source data automate and run data collection for reporting no matter how scattered the sources are. Map data against key frameworks and calculate reporting progress. 

Data verification & approvals

Trust and Control

Assign named data owners and an approval workflow to ensure data is verified and validated at each stage, no matter which source it comes from.

Interim report generation

Automated Monthly Closing

As collection from the source is automated, interim reporting frequency can be set to monthly or quarterly, giving ESG controllers early insight on disclosure readiness.

AI-powered anomaly detection flags gaps or data issues for review. 

Traceable assurance-ready data

Audit Ready Assets

Move past screen shots for evidence and manual paper trails to fully accessible, accurate and actionable data assets. Each data point has a complete audit trail and meta data that build data trust and save time on assurance.  


You pick the tool; we feed the data

Automatically feed your existing financial reporting and disclosure tools with valid and approved data. Connect data from disparate carbon, GRC or sustainability tools for final audit and review in existing financial reporting processes.