One of the truisms in early-stage businesses is that a week or a month can be a long time. Not in a bad way of course, but each week, or each month, has more than a few fairly significant events. That has been my experience in the past, and since joining YuzeData in early October, it has been no different.
For one, the team has grown significantly. We have added highly talented professionals to lead our Partner Program and Product Innovation. Next week we welcome our first commercial colleague. In addition, 2 new developers joined the team, and we are in the process of hiring more.
Every day, the team engages in discussions with prospective partners and customers. These moments are immensely valuable to us as we get to showcase how we help solve their challenges. And we also get feedback and a better understanding of customer challenges they are looking to address.
A common reaction, even from jaded veterans in the software industry is typically something like: “Wow, I have never seen anything like this, and I see new software every day.” While we are cognizant that we are still in the early stages, we do remain convinced that we are certainly onto something ground-breaking.
Upcoming releases
To the point above, we are thrilled to announce that the first official release of the YuzeData platform will occur on March 31, 2023. On a parallel path, we are onboarding our first customers on the platform. More customers will follow in the next weeks and early next year.
The customer onboarding is a special moment for all of us in the company, but especially so for the development and engineering teams. They worked hard over the past 10 months building the platform and now can experience the joy and satisfaction that comes from seeing the lines of code come to life and begin to actually solve real customer problems.
We can’t wait to see this happen in real-time and are all excited about continuing the journey.
PS – Almost forgot, one last thing that happened: we’ve completely overhauled this website, so have a look.